Roberta Angelini and Barbara Ruzicka
Roberta Angelini studied physics at the University of L’Aquila, Italy and she got her PhD at Université J. Fourier, Grenoble, France with an experimental thesis developed at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in the Inelastic X-ray Scattering group. After two years postdoc at Sapienza University of Rome, she become researcher.
Barbara Ruzicka studied physics at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, where she also received her PhD. She did a first postdoctoral period at Daresbury synchrotron, UK, and a second one at Zurich ETH in Switzerland.
They are actually researchers of the Institute of Complex Systems (ISC) of Centre of National Research (CNR) in Rome where they are respectively responsible of the “Soft Matter Laboratory: Rheology and Calorimetry” and of the “Soft Matter Laboratory: Light Scattering”
The Experimental Soft Matter group of ISC-CNR focuses on the study of the structure and dynamics of soft matter systems, of their phase transitions and phase diagrams. In particular, it deals with the investigation of equilibrium and non-equilibrium states as liquid, gel, glass and jammed states, and unusual phase diagrams in soft materials, such as charge colloidal clays and colloidal microgels. The use of conventional laboratory techniques is complemented with X-rays and neutron scattering in Large Scale Facilities.